Debashish Chakrabarty, a Software Consultant based at Pune, has been on the Internet since the “geocities” days but opened his Blogger account in October 2002. Apart from this blog he also maintains a Hindi blog NuktaChini.

My Hindi Blog

Finally, I had to jump into it. I have been a Hindi writer, it is the language in which I think. But since typing in Hindi is tedious I had somehow put the project on backburner; not any more. The Hindi version of Null Pointer is now live here. It is called “Nukta Chini” (meaning […]

What I hate in a blog

I came across Erik's survey on the “the 10 Habits of Highly Annoying Bloggers” and decided to jot down few things I detest about a blog: Blogs with black background and yellow fonts Blogs that are both blogs and photoblogs Blogs that would not accept an email id of the like debu at email dot […]

Are you Blogoholic?

There is an interesting quiz that would perhaps let you know if you are a Blogoholic. I thought I was one, coz even if I don't post very regularly I read a lot of blogs everyday. But it emerged that I am only a casual weblogger. “You only blog when you have nothing better to […]

When DD animated our lives!

I had my childhood nourishment of entertainment from Vividh Bharati and Doordarshan so this post of Turbanhead revived old memories. The “Ek Anek” short animation film was targeted at National integration and was used as filler by DD at that time and, thanks to the fact that satellite TV wasn’t even there, was immensely popular. […]

Back to square 1?

If you read my post “Living in wonderland” notice the word “backtrack” that I used there. Devoid of spine, politicians have been known, since ages, to create artificial frenzy to fool people: the til-gud1 factor, cute mini-budget full of goodies, all-is-well on Indo-Pak front (aka Hindi-Paki bhai-bhai), Vajpayee is BJPs undisputed leader (backstabbing noise in […]

Mirrror, Mirror of my blog

Chakra provided this cool link that creates a mirror of your website, literally. Though I already have a mirror at blogspot, have a look at the one created by this trick. Now the trick is adding “” to the domain name of your URL .