Whenever I encounter any strange behaviour on my referrer list (which, thanks to Paris Hilton, are no more public now) I usually add it to my list of “funny referers”. Here is the latest list for you to savor, my favorite being the Neena Gupta one 😉 aircrafts videos crashedWhy do singletons prefer Mumbai? “indian […]
I am always surprised by the media-frenzy that builds up even if the stalled vehicle of Indo-Pak talks manages to crawl an inch further and almost all the times backtracks many more inches later. For God's sake judge the scenario with a fair mind. Mian Musharraf will perhaps only risk his life from Islamic hardliners […]
Many times the most innocuous aspects of programming create lot of trouble. Take the innocent Properties file. These avatars of Hashtable are collections of key-value pairs, frequently used by applications for their need for external resources and configuration settings. Now pointers such as these tell you that reading the Properties file using java I/O is […]
I have been pondering to put together this list for long and here it is. Now what do I mean my “the best”? Obviously not “the most visited” or “the most linked to” or ” the most commented on” posts but those which I think I wrote well or reflect my stand-point on the issue. […]
Through one of my sites on Amitabh Bachchan I keep on receiving occassional feedback. Many of the readers write to me presuming I am in contact with the megastar. Some are ardent fans like me and write essays in his praise. A mail I recently received from one Satpal Mehra, an NRI living in Austria, […]
Null Pointer wishes all its readers and friends a very happy and prosperous new year 2004.