Debashish Chakrabarty, a Software Consultant based at Pune, has been on the Internet since the “geocities” days but opened his Blogger account in October 2002. Apart from this blog he also maintains a Hindi blog NuktaChini.

Guest Post on Nukta Chini

Charu very kindly agreed to do a guest-post (surprise.. surprise, in Hindi) for my Hindi Blog. Read it here..P.S. I plan to have it as a fortnightly feature, so if you wish to do a guest-post in Hindi, do drop a comment here or send an email.

Is India Shining?

Asks Charu. Here is what I commented. If we are talking about a surging stock market, which might be a short-lived and synthetic phenomenon , yes. But going by the same yard-stick was India shining while Harshad Mehta was reigning? India is not shining because our exports have suddenly amassed, but because of the fact […]

Political Compass

Finally a gauge to enlighten me on the orientation of my thoughts. Political Compass tells me that I am an economic left winger with a slight inclination towards authoritarianism (score: Economic Left/Right: -3.88, Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 0.05). A confirmed authoritarian leftist, wow! Though my score on the social dimension surprises me! [Link via Acorn] Update: Wow! […]

Background cleansing

My last post had a quote that represents my long standing apprehension: How will the BJP look minus Atalji? The answer is: very scary. But how has this scary party managed to run a coalition government for 5 years and reach the stage where they could proclaim the “til-gud factor”. The answer is: BJP (read […]

Equal Opportunity, My foot!

Many, if not most, of us might have gotten rejected at interviews and recruitment processes. While rejection itself is reason enough for one to brood over and blame the selection process or the employer, I had tried on such occasions to sit for a while and put myself in recruiters shoe to analyze what might […]

Resonating Jibes: 1

In this series of posts I will try and include quotes from various sources which match my own views. Here is the first in the series. Vir Sanghvi quips, “Vajpayee's stature blinds us to the reality of the BJP. Take him out of the equation and what do you have: a party composed of people […]