Debashish Chakrabarty, a Software Consultant based at Pune, has been on the Internet since the “geocities” days but opened his Blogger account in October 2002. Apart from this blog he also maintains a Hindi blog NuktaChini.

Resonating Jibes – 3

Sushmita Bose noticed that in the quick-shift world of Indian advertising, the Big Idea these days is going back in time. Offcourse Null Pointer was the first to point this out.

Electronic problems

Two interesting aspects were brought forward related to making the forthcoming polls completely electronic with sole usage of the EVMs (Electronic Voting Machines). The first is off course the public interest litigation which demands the Elections Commission to add a last option “None suitable” on the EVM panel, similar to the “None of the above” […]

Outsourcing and other topics..

The horizon for outsourcing seems to be expanding by the day. Slashdot reports that is now pondering outsourcing some of their writing jobs to India. Salshdot, as expected has swarming comments and counter comments. Now, apart from causing pain in the lower part of American anatomy, news items such as these inflict immense agony […]

The Lost Emperor

Zee News featured an interview of Atalji with veteran journalist Rahul Dev on 16 April. It was supposed to be a short routine interview, but instead came out saying a lot of unsaid things about the contender to the post of next PM. I had only read about Bahadur Shah Zafar's last days and perhaps […]

Care for a Kopi?

This is hilarious! If you're bored of your regular cup of Java here is something different. Try Kopi Luwak! Kopi (the Indonesian word for coffee) Luwak comes from the islands of Sumatra, Java and goes through a pretty unique harvesting process. The beans are infact, “fermented in the intestines of the civet cat, also called […]

Sounds Grammar?

Readers, you have enough reasons for getting mad on me. Lately, I have not been posting nothing and then I had the courage to post the following, but the fact is I only feel like posting stuff like these. So bear with me (anyways, when you take the test yourself, you would feel a lot […]