Debashish Chakrabarty, a Software Consultant based at Pune, has been on the Internet since the “geocities” days but opened his Blogger account in October 2002. Apart from this blog he also maintains a Hindi blog NuktaChini.

Drawing the line

A Mumbai based lecturer I hear has moved the courts with his public interest litigation (PIL) demanding that it must be made binding on all Cable wallahs to show only that stuff on TV that are passed by the Censor Board of Film Certification (CBFC). He is perturbed by the unwarranted ill effect that such […]

Clever Versions

Bajaj is using the voice of radio doyen Amin Sayani in a television commercial for one of its vehicle range. Though this advertisement might be a complete unit in itself but the commercial plays a different combination of Indian language stanza along with the Hindi opening lines from a popular song of Adnan Sami for […]

More changes

IndiBlogs seem to be bitten by lethargy mites. Jivha quit blogging and I myself has not been averse to the burnout. Last month was pretty hectic and brought along upheavals that shook me up completely. When I joined my last employer I was convinced that now I want to settle down there. I and my […]

Things people do

What's the big deal about GMail? Even Rediff Mail now has the coveted 1 GB tag. I think the craze for a GMail account is only beacuse you can lay hands on it from an invite (if you were not lucky enought to have used services i.e). Today I got this funny mail from […]

Are you for compulsory voting?

Manohar puri made an interesting point in his article*. Should voting be made compulsory? Though I don’t entirely agree with his view that one should snatch away the rights of an individual to criticize government policies and performance if he has not voted, right for expression being one of the foundation stones on which our […]

The chunked problem

One of the J2ME applications I had been involved in emerged with a big problem when tested for boundary conditions. When the client was sending less than 2048 bytes, the server was able to handle it correctly. The content-length header was being set in the client correctly and was available at the server. The J2ME […]