Debashish Chakrabarty, a Software Consultant based at Pune, has been on the Internet since the “geocities” days but opened his Blogger account in October 2002. Apart from this blog he also maintains a Hindi blog NuktaChini.

Trip to mela & other things

Cool, it is my lucky day today? I think for the first time my post has made it to the mela, don't know whether on merit, or the folly of posting multiple comments at the nomination post that brought me to limelight. The plain vanilla flavour can be savored at Yazad's here. Thanks buddy 🙂 […]

Blogs dramatized!

Ye duniya ek rangmanch hai Babu-moshai! (the world is a theatre, my dear bong). How can our blogs be less theatrical then! Alok pointed to this ingenious site that adds that quintessential spice of melodrama to your blog. Just type your URL here and your blog is hilariously converted to a Hollywood screenplay, instantly. Samples? […]

Bharteeya Blog Mela, 39th edition!

This has been the first ever Blog-Mela hosted by Null Pointer, and though the number of nominations haven’t been spectacular, they haven’t been discouraging either. Now that I hosted it I can empathise how difficult it is to select a handful of entries from a maze of good posts. My thanks to Melodrama, Ravages, Aadisht, […]

Code Analyzers

During my search for Profilers I stumbled upon some good Java code checkers or Code Analyzers and though most of you may be already aware about them would like to share my thoughts on the same. Please feel free to correct me or add your inputs to this. Talking of Code Review or Analysis I […]

Charge the spammers?

A funny yet apt disclaimer for comment spammers I recently noticed on a blog. Serves them right! Any advertisements or commercial endevours placed in the comments or sent via email addresses on this site (either mine or other commenters) will be charged at a rate of US$250 per time, payable within 30 days. Placing any […]

DateTime and other problems

Bloglet subscribers to my feed may not be getting my posts in their email for about a week now. The problem seems to have surfaced after some changes made in the JRoller RSS feed XML format. Bloglet now throws an error “String was not recognized as a valid DateTime” for JRoller feeds. Monsur of bloglet […]