The Price is Right… Or Is It? My 2025 Shopping Resolution

Ever wondered why you buy 🛒 what you buy? 🤔 It's fascinating how our minds can be influenced by marketing tactics and social trends.

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Master 🥋 these 4 Agile Backlog Prioritization and Ordering techniques for Value Delivery

Powerful, time-tested techniques to deliver maximum value, optimize resources, and keep stakeholders happy

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8 Lessons from the Kobayashi Maru: Leadership Strategies for No-Win Scenarios

When unexpected twists threaten your project, channel your inner Captain Kirk and emerge victorious.

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The Agile Chronicles Merch

Bush has a Blog

Believe it or not President Bush has a Blog too.

Using w.bloggar

Arjun had advised me about it. And based on this it seems lowem has taken a plunge too. But can w.bloggar help in posting the same post to two blogs simultaneously? That would be cool. Let me see if it works. As for w.bloggar, well the GUI is cool. Editing Blogger templates would be simpler […]

Javaranch Newsletter: October Issue

The October issue of Javaranch newsletter is out. It includes a primer on using the Netbeans IDE and a nice deliberation on the Rowset interface implementations of which would be joining the Tiger (JDK1.5) bandwagon. Being deliberating offlate on the code optimization and performance tuning issues myself I also found the pointer to this thread […]

Company name etymologies

Did you know that Cisco is not an acronym but a short name for San Francisco or that the name LG is in fact a combination of two popular Korean brands Lucky and Goldstar or that Mitch Kapor got the name for his company from The Lotus Position or Padmasana. You may find a list […]

Hindi for Blog

What is the most appropriate Hindi word for Blog? Alok calls it chittha. How about Roznamchaa or Vrittant? (I made this post in Hindi originally, using the Takhti editor and post was showing up well, however apparently my RSS Aggregator has some problem with that, infact with the three dots the aggreator itself put after […]

Please update my blog URL

Fellow bloggers! Those of you who link to me or wish to do so or would like to subscribe to RSS feed for this blog please note the following details. Please update the URL at your blog if you link to me. Blog URL: RSS Feed URL: