The Price is Right… Or Is It? My 2025 Shopping Resolution

Ever wondered why you buy 🛒 what you buy? 🤔 It's fascinating how our minds can be influenced by marketing tactics and social trends.

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Master 🥋 these 4 Agile Backlog Prioritization and Ordering techniques for Value Delivery

Powerful, time-tested techniques to deliver maximum value, optimize resources, and keep stakeholders happy

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8 Lessons from the Kobayashi Maru: Leadership Strategies for No-Win Scenarios

When unexpected twists threaten your project, channel your inner Captain Kirk and emerge victorious.

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The Agile Chronicles Merch
E-governance not possible without vernacular software: Vinay Chhajlani

E-governance not possible without vernacular software: Vinay Chhajlani

India will have 50 million Internet users by 2003 and at least half of them don’t speak in English. With DataQuest pegging its potential market size at Rs. 500 crore, local language internet market is destined to be the next big thing. Suave entrepreneur Vinay Chhajlani foresaw this much earlier. In a tete-a-tete with Debashish […]

Madhya Pradesh government committed to embrace IT: Kay Brown

Madhya Pradesh government committed to embrace IT: Kay Brown

It seemed promising earlier too but India began capitalizing on this new buzzword only in 2001. Flustered after the dot com carnage Bio-informatics was the next big thing for the VCs. And their decision has never been more apposite. The biotech industry in India touched $2.5 billion in 2001, and is expected to proliferate to […]

Madhya Pradesh still invisible on country’s IT map: Praveen Kankariya

Madhya Pradesh still invisible on country’s IT map: Praveen Kankariya

“We are very different from other software services providers”, he quips. This couldn’t be far from truth for his is one of the few companies who were successful in bringing technology focus on Indore. Foraying from software services to R&D to BPO Impetus Infotech (India) Pvt. Limited was formed in 1991 by Praveen Kankariya, now […]

WiKi: A Social Software

Wiki have been around since 1995 but have attracted increased interest recently, perhaps owing to the new-found interest in social software. Frankly it's a new term for me but it feels good to know about web sites written entirely by its users (a Groupware?). Yes, that means — open editing, anyone can edit the site […]