The Price is Right… Or Is It? My 2025 Shopping Resolution

Ever wondered why you buy 🛒 what you buy? 🤔 It's fascinating how our minds can be influenced by marketing tactics and social trends.

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Master 🥋 these 4 Agile Backlog Prioritization and Ordering techniques for Value Delivery

Powerful, time-tested techniques to deliver maximum value, optimize resources, and keep stakeholders happy

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8 Lessons from the Kobayashi Maru: Leadership Strategies for No-Win Scenarios

When unexpected twists threaten your project, channel your inner Captain Kirk and emerge victorious.

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The Agile Chronicles Merch

Copy I will

Almost a year back, I had reached this site of one Dheeraj Rathi from the referrer logs to my home page at geocities. Now, my homepage is not a work of art, yet it is one of my original works. So it was natural to get startled by Dheeraj''s site, as it was a copy […]

Nirantar July issue

The July issue of Nirantar is on the browsers now. Details are at Raman's blog post. Here are the highlights of the issue: Charukesi investigates the Fairness cream phenomenon Chandru recapitulates a day at an advertising agency Vinay Jain dissects the Hindi goodies hurriedly released last month, by the Communication and IT Ministry. All this […]

Going Sudoku!

They say Newspapers are the reflection of the society and I tend to agree. Last few years have seen the altered focus in news presentation in Print and electronic media, favoring crisper and quicker coverage rather than detailed next day coverage. Whilst we may have anticipated that the print media would focus more on news […]

Nirantar's May Issue

The May issue of Hindi blogzine Nirantar is now on the browsers. In this issue you may read: “Kya aap tagging karte hain?” an interesting overview of the newly emerging “tag folksonomy”, post Technorati tags. If you have never tag-ged before this is the article to read. Nitin Pai awaits arrival of another Mahatma, this […]

Anti Coke campaign gathers momentum

We hear haughty talks of decentralization and “power to the people” through the Panchayati Raj but it seems that the MNCs and even the Indian courts think otherwise. I once wrote about a High Court order that allowed Coke to resume production at its Plachimada, Kerala plant despite of the village council objections. It is ludicrous […]

Coke: Bench shopping judgment

JK is happy with the recent High court ruling that allows Coke to resume production at its Perumatty plant in Kerala even if it does not get a license. There is always the “other side” to the story. Unfortunately, commie bashing has become such a fashion that we offer our prejudiced view even before we […]