The Price is Right… Or Is It? My 2025 Shopping Resolution

Ever wondered why you buy 🛒 what you buy? 🤔 It's fascinating how our minds can be influenced by marketing tactics and social trends.

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Master 🥋 these 4 Agile Backlog Prioritization and Ordering techniques for Value Delivery

Powerful, time-tested techniques to deliver maximum value, optimize resources, and keep stakeholders happy

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8 Lessons from the Kobayashi Maru: Leadership Strategies for No-Win Scenarios

When unexpected twists threaten your project, channel your inner Captain Kirk and emerge victorious.

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The Agile Chronicles Merch

Blog strolling – 2

Java's friendly mascot Duke has got a blog too. Indic threads has a 3 part skinny on J2SE 5.0 Bus Service to Pakistan. Oh no not again! I am sick and tired of these gimmicks. “some countries“ sweet Patil saheb! India ki diplomacy da jawab nahin!

Scratching the wounds

Visibly annoyed with its aging dinosaurs and amidst the aspiration scuffles taking its toll in the party, BJP's old turk Govind Govindacharya is scratching the wounds again. The Babri mosque demolition was the “failure of the saffron gauge the mood of the karsevaks…a glaring example of contradiction between cadre-based and mass-based politics”, says the […]

It's early days!

It is difficult not to raise voice against this seemingly undemocratic move, the recent return of monarchy in Nepal, yet if King Gyanendra's motive of curbing the Maoist showdown holds any truth, I would invest my support for such a move. When the elected representatives are capable to do little, it is futile to justify […]

So u got a good memory, huh?

Very few organisations would go out of the way to provide additional facilities to their customers. Obviously Paypal is one such organisation. It gives you the facility to, guess what, forget your password. So if you were too proud of having an elephant's memory, accept the challenge 😉

Ulcerative Collitis: Need Information

Fellow bloggers and readers, though I avoid posting very personal posts here this one is an exception. My mother has been suffering from Stomach ulcer (Ulerative Collitis) since almost 1.5 years. Recently she was advised to undergo surgery (ileopouch anastomosis). If you know any body who has undergone such a surgery kindly let me know […]

39th Bharteeya Blog Mela

Ladies and Gentlemen! It's my privilege to host the weekly celebration of Bharteeya Blog Mela this week. And here is a formal invitation: Translated, that means: nominations for the 39th mela are open and may be submitted using the comments area for this post. If you go by rules, they have been quoted by last […]