All things Tech.
Thomas informs that according to the Sun Wireless Developer Newsletter a new certification exam Sun Certified Mobile Application Developer for J2ME, Version 1.0 is coming up. While this may be some good news for developers, it makes me wonder whether taking a certification exam is worthwhile at all. In a previous post Thomas had raised […]
While working with a new version of Castor I recently encountered a strange error during unmarshalling (creating Java object out of corresponding XML schema). The error was as follows: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The prefix ‘xml’ is reserved (XML 1.0 Specification) and cannot be declared. Luckily, some Googling brought me to this thread which explains the probable reasons […]
Few of my posts made under technology catgeory have been featured by the portal Ciol. One of the articles is available here. Another recent post of mine on Code Analyzers has made been mentioned in Eric's Pulse of 20th October and has been published in the Java Developers Journal Industry newsletter available here. Thanks Eric […]
Is there any way in JRoller to get a consolidated summary of, say, last 50 comments (for any/all posts) as here? Many JRollers would agree that once the posts are archived and not visible on front page it is often difficult to read or reply to any comment to back posts, not speaking of keeping […]
I was going through the documentation of BCEL and started wondering how come the magic-number in the Java class file 0xCAFEBABE looks so meaningful. While the original purpose for specifying the begining four bytes of Java class files is to assist in segregating prbable class files from non class files the the choice lets one […]
Man I love this news aggregator FeedDemon. First of all the GUI is lovely and then the features are exactly what you need: Channel Groups to classify you feeds (and moving channels amongst the group is easy), facility to synchronise your list with an online one or simply use somebody else's subscription list in OPML […]