All things Tech.
Getting tired of my Celeron with 32 MB RAM and 10 GB hard disk (yes I was surviving on that) I have almost made up my mind to go for a new PC under exchange. Pentium P-IV with 512 MB DDR RAM, 80 GB HDD (Hynx). But I have two problems, being new at Pune […]
Over time, a maintenance worker often becomes the de facto expert on the codebase, particularly after multiple fixes and upgrades. This expertise allows them to identify potential issues arising from requested bug fixes or poor design choices. Employing design patterns aids in recognizing areas where a program requires greater flexibility to adapt to evolving requirements.
Generics is the most profound of changes envisaged in Tiger. Greg Travis has this nice preview on it. In summary Generics offer the following advantages as per Greg: Better compile-time type checking: With generics, the type casting is implicit in the instantiation you are using, and it’s done at compile-time. By using a particular instantiation, you […]
JRoller provides the RSS feed for blogs hosted here. From the aggregators I have recently noticed that the comments tag in the XML generated does not point to the right URL for example for this post of mine the comments tag is being displayed as follows: [code lang=”xml”]<comments></comments>[/code] while it should be formed as under: […]
I recently received a query from Zena Sam based on one of my post at Javaranch on installing Tomcat as a Service. She writes: I have seen your post about Tomcat Service in Javaranch site. I looked at the posts…am trying to a similar thing what you have tried to…call a batch file from Wise […]
The Java “pitru-purush” (father figure), James Gosling will be on his maiden India visit this week. He would be here to participate in the Sun Tech Days, taking place on May 20-21 at Hyderabad. The theme for this year is “Turning Ideas into Innovation”. It should be a grand event as there are almost 3 […]