
Curious to know who is the Author of Null Pointer? Click here.

Null Pointer is a brilliant (sic) coalesce of Technology (where the emphasis is on Java), Internet, Blogging, Indic-blogging, current-affairs, politics, entertainment industry and topics that concern India. The name came from a popular exception in Java, indicating the previous sole focus of the blog on Java which slowly turned to uninitiated ramblings on other topics as well. Like the Archer you see in the logo (well it used to be on the previous logos, now only the dartboard remains) my intention is to write pointedly but off course only you, the readers, can decide if it was a hit or miss.

Null Pointer used to be hosted at the excellent free blog-hosting service JRoller. If you are interested to know how the blog was migrated from Roller to WordPress, do read this post.

Previous avatars:

Null Pointer ver 2   Null Pointer Theme 1