Today is the first birthday of my son Tanmay. It is due to the little angel that I and Mitali were introduced to the joys, pressures, fun and responsibilities of parenting. Tanmay has ushered in a breeze of vitality and energy in our lives, infact he has tought us to relish the meaning of life […]
You may scream, you may laugh,You might even shudder in dismay,But Atalji now has a new rival,As Bush becomes a poet while laura was away.
Hey! I logged in to this morning and was taken aback to be redirected to Whatever be the reasons for the overnight change I am worried about few things. What happens to my old blog URL? Will the users be redirected to my new blog URL even if they type the old one […]
Hindi has been a weak spot at NDTV, the skipper Pronnoy himself knows very little of it and his turks including Rajdeep Sardesai, Arnab Goswami, Barkha Dutt and Abhhigyan Prakash just manage to speak tuti-phuti Hindi only when in dire need. Yet NDTV was in a dilemma to start a lateral Hindi channel when its […]
I had only read about the comments spam so far, and noticed how other blogs were seriously affected by these unsolicited comments. But today I noticed atleast 3 such spam comment on two of my earlier posts and removed it. The comments were inserted by Viagra sellers on much older posts (incidently one was titled […]