Debashish Chakrabarty, a Software Consultant based at Pune, has been on the Internet since the “geocities” days but opened his Blogger account in October 2002. Apart from this blog he also maintains a Hindi blog NuktaChini.

Migrating a Roller blog to WordPress

Ok I admit that I never made a formal announcement about it, but this blog has now moved to its new home at If you are reading this, you are at the right URL. This blog used to be happily hosted at the excellent free service provided by the JRoller people. Roller is one […]

The Indian HR thought leaders

Gautam Ghosh has started a series “The Indian HR thought leaders” on his blog. He would soon be quizzing Sanjeev Bikhchandani, CEO of on their attempts to embrace RSS feeds. Great going Guatam!

Merger of WordPress and Textpattern

It’s the EOD at India and I noticed this stunning news of the merger of WordPress and Textpattern on my blog’s admin-dashboard and I was forced to click on the link. It struck me only when I visited, checked back Matt’s post date. It’s all great fun really, from the Wordpattern website to the […]

Shunya : India’s Slashdot?

Shunya promises to bring news for Indian techies by Indian techies. They say everything started from shunya (Sanskrit for absolute nothingness). And Shunya seems to be a good beginning for Indian techies. Move away Slashdot, Shunya claims to be the Indian Slashdot but would probably try to be different (“It started when slashdot rejected a […]

Blog Bytes

The Asian Age recently did a story on the IndiBlogging phenomenon and I was also quoted in the same. You may read the full story here.

Make your own Java newsreader

XML feeds are the way today to keep a tab on what’s happening in the blogosphere as well as to know about site updates and new additions. I had heard about two popular open source feature-rich Java APIs to deal with the feeds, Rome and Informa but could never really savor them. For one of […]