The Price is Right… Or Is It? My 2025 Shopping Resolution

Ever wondered why you buy 🛒 what you buy? 🤔 It's fascinating how our minds can be influenced by marketing tactics and social trends.

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Master 🥋 these 4 Agile Backlog Prioritization and Ordering techniques for Value Delivery

Powerful, time-tested techniques to deliver maximum value, optimize resources, and keep stakeholders happy

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8 Lessons from the Kobayashi Maru: Leadership Strategies for No-Win Scenarios

When unexpected twists threaten your project, channel your inner Captain Kirk and emerge victorious.

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The Agile Chronicles Merch
A book that doesn’t tell you to be perfect

A book that doesn’t tell you to be perfect

I normally don’t get too affected by moral sermons. No, I did pass those “Moral Science” papers at school, but somehow those idealistic preachings and “pointers to life” from Shiv Kheras, Dale Carnegies and the like don’t survive in my mind for long. I always end up asking myself: what if all the people who […]

A facelift for the pundit

Well actually, one of my favorite reads Desipundit has gone for a complete revamped look and man “what a site”. There is really no parallel for Chug’s ethnic designs. He has done brilliant gratis designs for the Indibloggies in the past and remains one of my favorite web-designers. Desipundit’s approach is very professional, the way […]

Barcamp comes to Pune

It seems Barcamp Pune will surely happen in June. I have been involved at the early stages having created the Wiki and the Yahoo group but then stealing time for the event has become increasingly difficult. The present teams of organizers seem to have zeroed in to two venues, both choices are good. The list […]

It’s time…

Ok, I agree, this was in poor taste. It would have been suited for a April fool post but I guess anytime is good time for some fun. (Via)

IFrame Widget for WordPress

WordPress Sidebar Widgets have been the latest buzz in the blogdom. Indeed these Widgets elevate WordPress’ standing among the blogwares and encourage community to contribute to the project. With Sidebar widgets, things have become as easy as drag and drop, though you would need “widget compliant” themes. I still wish WordPress had done something with […]

Null Pointer moves to its own home

I recently moved to my own domain and after migrating the blog to WordPress (read this post to know how I managed to do that) I simply dropped a note here at JRoller to let know my readers who still come here. For the email subscribers I simply changed the feed URL. Today it struck […]