The Indibloggies, India’s first and foremost blog awards unveiled its annual nomination process for the 2006 event on 26 January 2007. This is the fourth year of the Indibloggies award. The nominations is open in 16 different award categories for Indian blogs from all around the world from 26th January until 5th February. At stake […]
This was a piece originally written for Desipundit. Patrix recently announced that his team desires to draw curtain over the link blog. This is indeed sad and I really hope they bounce back from the burnout and are back soon.
I normally don’t get too affected by moral sermons. No, I did pass those “Moral Science” papers at school, but somehow those idealistic preachings and “pointers to life” from Shiv Kheras, Dale Carnegies and the like don’t survive in my mind for long. I always end up asking myself: what if all the people who […]