News paper giant Hindustan times has come up with a new ePaper concept. The catch is, it is a premium, subscription based content where they promise the replica of the print edition would be available online even before it would reach regular reader's doorstep. The concept is one coined by Bodhtree who are apparently servicing other publication groups as well.

Honestly, I find such moves fairly stupid. The only plus it seems to offer (for people accustomed to reading online) is the keyword search. Now, with Google news, that hunts on headlines from news papers all over, even that is an overhead. IMHO, for the rustic feel there is no substitute to the print medium. As I have to leave early for work, I miss my morning skimming but I always compensate it with a cozy evening read, even though I subscribe to various newsfeeds. Also, as far as I know, a similar venture of the India Today group never saw the light of the day.